Industry and production as the main economic development infrastructure of the country when it comes to human resources with a high scientific ability, professional, creative and innovative, is the basis for growth, Honor, industrial development and the creation of dynamic and productive economies.

Our vision of Sepehr Ilia Industrial Group is always focusing on customer satisfaction, trying hard to achieve the highest quality of all products and paying special attention to the requirements of the environmental legal as a member of the international community, finally, to be available in all fields for respecting to our customer demand.
We believe in this industry group to move forward and achieve our future success in terms of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and passion of all our colleagues. In this way, all family members, committed to keep the unification and improve their and company's technical knowledge, at the highest levels required by their domestic and foreign customers.

I am proud that at present, the staff of this industrial group in all levels, formed as a coherent team with High spirits and precision.

I hope with working and effort with this Valuable staff, can bring us growth of production, increasing market share, development of exports, and generally, improving our industrial level

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Factory Address :

Beshel Industrial City, Shirgah, Mazandaran Province, Iran

Tel: +981142433148

Fax: +981142433149

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